Acquiring a YouTube SRT File and Converting it to WebVTT Format

This knowledge base article explains how to (1.) acquire a SRT file for a YouTube Video and (2.) convert the SRT file to the WebVTT format.

Acquire YouTube SRT File

Although there are a few ways to do this, I found one of the easiest methods is to use the web site.  You just need the URL of the YouTube video and voilĂ , you can download the SRT file.

Converting a SRT File to WebVTT (VTT) Format

In a similar easy process we can convert a SRT file to a Web VTT (VTT) format via the web site.  Just upload your SRT file to the web site and click the button "Convert to Vtt".

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Article ID: 112441
Wed 7/22/20 2:43 PM
Wed 7/22/20 2:44 PM