To access the portal, please visit
Note: You will be required to log in with your NIC credentials to access this portal.
The portal offers you many ways to personalize the portal to your specific needs. Click on a section to learn more or scroll down the page.
My Favorites: Add any Task to your own Personal Favorites List
The portal allows you to "Favorite" any task in the portal. To favorite a task, click on the heart icon on any task. This will automatically add it to your favorites list.

The heart will now be red which indicates you have added it as a favorite.

When you first favorite a task, a new section on the portals main page will automatically be created called My Favorites.
You must select at least one task as a favorite for My Favorites to appear on your home page.
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Bookmarks: Create your own Personal Bookmarks in your My Favorites Section
The MyNIC portal allows you to create any bookmark to a website that you want. Similar to creating a bookmark for a page in a browser, you can also add bookmarks to your MyNIC portal. These links are your own personal collection and not seen by other users. Bookmarks you create will be available to you from the MyNIC portal from wherever you log in.
To create a bookmark, click Edit My Favorites in the My Favorites section of the main portal page.
Note: You must favorite at least one task for this the Edit My Favorites option appear.

When you click Edit My Favorites, you will go to your My Favorites page where you can add bookmarks.
Creating Bookmarks
To create your own personal bookmark in your My Favorites, click Add Bookmark.

You will now be presented with a window asking you for information about the new bookmark:

You will need to give your bookmark a title. This will be the label that appears in your My Favorites section. You will need to know the website address (URL) for the page.
Click on the Add button to create the bookmark.

Pro Tip: If you are trying to create a bookmark to a site with a lengthy URL, open a new tab or window in a browser and go to that website page as you normally would in your browser. Once you are where you want to bookmark, simply highlight the URL in your browser bar and press CTRL+C on your keyboard to copy the text. In the Add a new bookmark window, click in the Bookmark URL section and press CTRL+V. This will copy the address from your browser and paste it into the Add a bookmark window.
Once you are done adding bookmarks, click Done Editing.

You should now see the bookmark you created as a smaller button in your My Favorites list:

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