MyNIC: Canvas Integration


This guide explains how the MyNIC portal integrates with Canvas (online courses).


The MyNIC portal can be accessed at

This guide focuses on integrating the MyNIC portal with your Canvas courses.

Note:  You must have an active NIC account to access the portal.

Table of Contents

Authorize the Portal to connect to Canvas
Change the size of the Canvas course links
Turn the Canvas connection off
Re-enable the Canvas connection Connecting to Canvas without integration turned on
What to do If you do not see all of your Canvas courses

Authorizing the Portal to Connect to Canvas

When you first log in to the MyNIC portal, you will be redirected to Canvas.  This will ask you if you want to Authorize the MyNIC portal to connect to Canvas.  The portal has the ability to list your Canvas courses and access them directly with one click.  Note: If you are not registered for any classes, click No.

Once you click Authorize, you will be redirected back to the MyNIC portal.  A new section will then appear in your portal called Canvas Courses.

Changing the Size of the Course Buttons in the Portal

By default, these tiles are the same size as the normal portal tiles.  To make them smaller, click Edit Connector.

This will bring up the Canvas Connector options:

To change the tiles to a smaller size, click on the drop-down menu arrow and select Collapsed Tiles and then click Save.

Your Canvas course links will now appear as a smaller size.

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Turning the Canvas Integration off

There may be reasons that you do not want to display your courses in the portal.  If you are not taking online courses, or you are an instructor with several courses and it is cluttering your home page, you may turn the connection on and off at any time:

To turn Canvas integration off:

Method 1:

If the Canvas connector is currently turned on, you can again click Edit Connector.

From the Canvas Connector Options menu, click Deauthorize.

This will turn off the Canvas connector and your Canvas courses will no longer appear in the portal.

Method 2:

You can also authorize/deauthroize the Canvas connector from the portal menu that appears when you click on your name at the top right of the portal.

From the Preferences menu, click on the Deauthorize button.

This will also remove the Canvas courses from your portal.

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Re-enable the Canvas Connector

If you turn off the Canvas connector and then wish to turn it back on again, simply repeat the previous steps.

Click your name in the top right of the portal and click Preferences.

From the Preferences window, click on Authorize to turn the Canvas connector back on again.

This will add the Canvas course list to the portal for you to click on Authorize again.


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Connecting to Canvas Without having Integration Turned on

You can connect to Canvas at any time with or without the Canvas integration turned on:

From the Services section of the portal you can click on the Canvas task.  This will take you directly to the main Canvas web page.

Alternatively you can search for Canvas in the search bar and click on this task from the search results.

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What to do if you do not see all of your Canvas Courses listed:

Courses may not appear for a variety of reasons.  If a course does not appear in Canvas after following these steps, please contact the IT Help Desk.

Note: The integration with the portal is based on what courses appear on your Canvas dashboard.  If courses are not appearing in your Canvas dashboard, then they will not appear as direct links.  To ensure that courses are appearing on the Canvas dashboard (and also in the Portal with the connector authorized), click on the Canvas task and go to Canvas. 

This will take you to the Canvas dashboard.

Click on Courses from the main menu on the left:

Once you click Courses, you should see the courses that appear in the portal.  At the bottom of this list, click All Courses.

You will now see a list of courses.  By default, all of your courses should have an orange highlighted star next to them.  If the course has a star highlighted, it will appear on your Canvas dashboard and also in your portal. 

If a star is not orange, and you want to see it on your dashboard and the portal, click on the star to highlight it again:

Once you click on the star to highlight the course, it will appear on your Canvas dashboard again and also will appear on your portal page.

Note:  You may have to either refresh/reload the portal page or log off/log on again to see the change.

If you do not see a course your are expecting to see in your All courses list, the course may be a late start course and not available yet, the instructor may not have turned access on to the course yet, or there is another issue.  Please contact the IT Help Desk if you have any questions or concerns.

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Article ID: 59350
Mon 8/6/18 11:47 AM
Wed 8/9/23 11:12 AM