Set up Hanwha Multi Sensor Camera in Open Eye NVR with RTSP


Some systems are not fully compatible with ONVIF Profile S and therefore will not set up properly in OpenEye. However, if such a camera can provide stream by RTSP, it can still be viewed and recorded.
This is how to add a multi sensor Hanwha in an Open Eye NVR server.


Steps to add a Hanwha PTR-Z multi sensor cam to a Open Eye NVR server.

*****You need to set up the video profiles on the camera first******

Set up Hanwha Multi Sensor Video profiles for RTSP

Add a PTR-z Hanwha camera to an OpenEye NVR with RTSP

  1. Log into the NVR management system.


  1. Click Settings.

  1. Click “Add Camera”

  1. Select “manually add camera”



  1. Enter Camera Details information and set the High, medium, and low-quality streams. Use the helper below to make your RTSP URL’s. You will need to do this for each sensor. There are 4 sensors per multi sensor camera.


Use this helper to make your RTSP URL’s


Example rtsp://





  1. Should look something like this:


7. Check your camera sensors in Live view. 















Article ID: 137553
Mon 1/10/22 4:30 PM
Wed 1/12/22 12:45 PM