2NIP Push Button Setup for User


How to set up a user in 2N IP Intercom.

We use these Axis 2N IP devices to help us with Door Security and access. The push button calls a user’s extension to help allow access. This doc explains setting up a user in the 2NIP device to allow the button to call the users extension on an IP phone.

  1. Log into the web address of the 2NIP device to set up. Click Directory.


  1. Select “Create Users Button”



  1. Add User Name, 4-digit Extension, and Click “Save”


  1. Verify User shows up in list after creation. Then go to Hardware button.


  1. Select “Buttons” on right.


  1. Select Add User button.




  1. Select the check box to the left of User then click “Add” tab


  1. Verify User is in List. Click Save. We are finished so log out.
  2. Might want to perform a test to establish it is working correctly by having a user push button and make sure it calls out to users phone.



Article ID: 140557
Tue 7/19/22 2:30 PM
Tue 7/19/22 2:35 PM