Box Sign: Role of Signers

When you prepare a document for signature, Box Sign enables you to assign roles to the document's recipients. 

This list article describes the various roles you can assign:

Signer  –  This is the default action for a recipient.  Select Signer if the recipient needs to sign, provide information in text fields, date fields, and/or click check boxes. 

Get a Copy  –   Select this action if the recipient does not need to perform any action on the document.  At the end of the requested signature process, this recipient receives a copy of the final document and a copy of the signing log as a link in email to a Box shared file.  

Approver  –  Select this action for recipients who do not need to place any input onto the document.  Box displays the document to the recipient for review, and asks whether the recipient approves the document's contents.

In-person  – Select this action if the signer is with you in person, and you would like them to sign on your device without going through authentication steps within Box Sign.  Instead of sending the signature request via email, simply hand the tablet, smart phone, or computer to the signer for signature. The signing log will indicate “not verified by Box Sign”.

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