Box Sign: Frequently Asked Questions

What file types does Box Sign support?

Box Sign supports most document, text-based, and presentation file types.  To see a list of supported document and presentation file types, visit the Supported File Types article and refer to the “Documents” and “Presentation” columns labelled PDF Support.  Box Sign supports file types for which PDF Support is Yes.  Box Sign also supports png, jpg, jpeg, tiff, csv, and txt files.

Is there a limit to the number or size of documents I can send for signature?

Yes.  Your business's Box account defines the size limits for your company.  Currently, Box Sign supports sending a single file for signature.

When I send a document for signature, does the recipient need to have a Box account? 

No, to receive and sign a document, the recipient needs to have:

  • an active email account,
  • an up-to-date version of an Internet browser that Box supports, except Microsoft Internet Explorer,
  • a connection to the Internet,
  • a computer and an operating system that supports these components.
  • electronic storage and a program that accurately reads and displays PDF files if they wish to retain local copies of the document, and
  • a printer if they wish to print copies.

After the document is fully signed, each recipient who did not have a Box account will also be offered the chance to create a Box account to retain their copies of the documents there.

Can I specify the sequence in which people need to sign?

Yes, you can specify a required order of signatures.

How many recipients can I define?

Box enables you to define up to 35 recipients per signature request.

If I specify the sequence in which people need to sign, how does Box enforce my required sequence of signatures?

Box sends your request individually and sequentially to each recipient in the order you specified.  If a recipient hasn't signed, Box does not send your request to the next recipient.

If someone doesn't sign the document immediately, does Box send that person a reminder?

If you enabled automated reminders when you sent the document for signature, Box sends a reminder to anyone who hasn't signed the document.  Box Sign also enables you to manually send a reminder whenever you want.

If I specify a required signing order, and a recipient clicks the Decline button, what happens?

Box invalidates the entire request for signature, and no one else receives the request for signature.  You'll need to resolve the matter with the person who declined to sign, and then send the request again.

Can documents I send for signature be copied or saved by the recipient?


How do I know when someone has signed a document?

Box sends you an email.

Does Box make and provide a permanent record of who signed?

Yes, all signatures are recorded in the signing log. Any in-person signatures indicate “not verified by Box Sign”.

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