MyNIC: Getting Started Guide

The MyNIC portal is North Idaho College's online resource for account management, registration, payment, and more. This guide provides an overview of how to use the MyNIC portal.

The MyNIC portal can be located at

Note:  You must have an active NIC account to access the portal.

Table of Contents:

Moving around in the portal
Canvas Integration
Resource Centers
Send Feedback
Change Role


The MyNIC portal is primarily search driven.  Information Technology wanted to provide an easy and familiar way for users to find and access resources quickly.  The tag line for the portal is Search, Click, Done!

Searching:  In order to perform a search, simply enter a key term for what you are looking for in the search bar at the top of the page where the text reads "What would you like to do?"

Once you put in your search term in the search bar, just press enter on your keyboard and any tasks associated with that term will appear.

Now you can click on the task button and it will take you to the website or application you are looking for.

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Tasks are represented by buttons in the new portal.  A task is simply a link to a website or a web application.

Each task button will have the following:

Title:  The name of the task that describes what it will take you to.
Subtitle (Optional):  Some tasks have subtitles that explain the title in a little bit more detail.
Icon:  Each task has an icon associated to it.  Some icons may appear on multiple tasks but we are working on making them all unique.
Letter i:  Each task button has a letter i on it.  Clicking this will take you to a more detailed description of the task.  The i stands for information.
Heart:  Each task button has a heart icon on it.  This allows you to favorite a task.  See the KB article on using favorites and bookmarks for more information.

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Moving Around in the Portal

As you click into different areas of the portal, you may be taken away from the main portal page.  The portal is designed to take you back to the main page in a number of ways.  The easiest way to navigate back to the main page is by clicking on the title at the top left of any portal page you are on:

Alternatively, you can also click the house icon located on the left-hand side at the top of the page to return to the main page.

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Announcements are shown at the right-hand side of the MyNIC Portal and provide various important dates and updates.  We include the college calendar that has important dates for registration and financial aid.  We also include important technical updates regarding system outages or a downtime.  Employees will also see additional announcements regarding important faculty dates, such as when grades are due.

For additional news or events on campus, please search for news and click on the newsroom task to find out what is happening at NIC!

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Services are where you will find the most commonly used links and the list will appear based on your role.  Students will see Self Service, Cardinal Mail, Canvas, New Student Orientation, NIC Foundation Scholarship Application, and Financial Aid StudentForms Portal.

Employees will see Self Service, Cardinal Mail, Canvas, Portal FAQ's, Old MyNIC Portal, MyNIC Team Sites, and New Student Orientation.

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Canvas Courses

The portal has the ability for you to directly link to your canvas courses, if you have any.  Please see the knowledge base article titled MyNIC: Canvas Integration for more information.

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Resource Centers

Resource Centers are simply collections of related tasks or links.  Information Technology has worked with various campus groups to create these resources for you.

Note:  Some resource groups will depend on your affiliation with NIC.  Employee-related resource centers are only visible to NIC employees.

The Resource Centers you see are based on your Employee or Student role with NIC.  The Resource Centers that have been created are:

Students: Links to various NIC services that support students such as Enrollment Services, Academic Support, Student Involvement Opportunities, and Campus Support Services.

Faculty: Links for Faculty such as Faculty Resources.

Staff: Links for Staff service such as Applications and Forms, Employee Information, and a section for Supervisors. 

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The NIC Information Technology team hopes that you like the functionality of the portal.  We are also excited to hear your feedback about the portal or to identify anything that we missed or could improve upon.  Sending feedback to us is easy!

In the portal, click your name located in the upper-right hand corner of the screen.

From the menu that is presented, click Send Feedback.

Next, fill out the feedback form and click Send.  Your feedback will automatically be sent to the IT Help Desk where we will track all feedback.

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Change Role

The MyNIC portal allows you to change your role so that you can view the MyNIC portal from the student or employee perspective.  To change your role:

Click your name in the upper right-hand corner and click Roles.


Un-check the box next to Employee and check the box next to Student, or vice versa.  Click Apply Filter.

Employees have access to everything students have access to.  Students cannot view and access everything employees can.  If they change their role and tasks are missing, this may be because they are not in our system as an NIC employee or workstudy. 

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