Box Manual

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What is Box?

Box is a service for hosting files in the cloud.  It allows users to store files that are accessible online, locally synchronize with Box Drive, and share or collaborate on documents with anyone, within or external to NIC.

Box Access

  1. Sign in to the MyNIC Portal:
  2. Search for Box.
  3. Click Continue and sign in with your MyNIC credentials.


Create New

  1. To create a new file, folder or note in Box, click New, located in the upper right-hand corner.
  2. Chose what you would like to create.  You can create a new folder, note, Word, PowerPoint, or Excel document just to name a few options.  


  1. To upload a file or folder, click New, located in the upper right-hand corner.
  2. Choose if you want to do a File Upload or Folder Upload, or you can drag and drop the file or folder into Box.
  3. Locate the file or folder and select it, click Open. Your files or folder will upload to the cloud and appear in Box.
    • Note: If you need to retain the original modified dates, it is recommended that you upload a folder containing the files because the ‘drag and drop’ feature changes all file dates to the current date for the online UI and Box Drive.   Uploading only one file will change the modified date.


  1. Select the file you would like to open by clicking once on the file name
    • Note: You can access the previous version by clicking on the icon next to the name.  (Example: V28)
  2. By default, this will open a preview of your document.  From this window you can view the details and options listed below:
  • View activity and add tasks or comments.
  • View details such as versions, edits, and downloads.
  • View and add metadata.
  • Share, open, and annotate the file.
  1. Click Open, located in the upper right-hand corner.
  2. Select which service you would like to open the file with.  For Word, PowerPoint, and Excel you can choose to open it in your browser, which will open in Microsoft 365 online, or open the file with your desktop version of Office.
    • Note: If you open in your desktop app, you need to click Save to save your changes.  Opening the files in Microsoft 365 online is available if you install Box Tools. Box Tools is the installer package for both Box Edit and Device Trust functionality.  The Device Trust component is not currently enabled.  Click HERE for more information about Box Edit.


Getting a Shared Link

  1. When sharing a folder or file, click Link icon.
    • Note:  When sharing Folders in the online Box UI, the folder will change to blue.  In Box Drive, all folders have the same appearance. 
  2. The link is copied to your clipboard automatically, however you can click Copy, to copy the link and paste it into an email.
    • Note:  By default, only people within NIC can access the shared link.  Click on People in your company and adjust the access type as needed. 
  3. Click on Link Settings for additional Shared link Settings.  From here you can:
  • Create a custom URL.
  • Disable the shared link on a specific date.
  • Disable the ability for users to download items.  It is set to Allow by default.
  1. Click Save.

Invite Collaborators

Invite a Collaborator for a Folder

  1. When inviting a collaborator to a folder, click Share.
  2. Type the email address of the user(s) you would like to invite under, Invite People
    • Note: If you are sharing a file or folder within NIC, you need to share with their
  3. Choose the level of Permissions you would like to grant.  The default permission level is as an Editor.  For additional information, please view Understanding Collaborator Permission Levels.
  4. Choose to customize your Message (Optional) or click Send.
    • Note: The folder will turn blue once shared.

Invite a Collaborator for a File

  1. To share an individual file, click Share.
  2. Type the email address of the user(s) you want to invite to become an editor and click Send.
    • Note: If you are sharing a file or folder within NIC, you must share with their
    • Note: Collaborators in single files can only be granted the Editor and Viewer access levels.

Stop Sharing

Remove a Shared Link

  1. To remove access with a shared link, for a file or a folder click Share.
  2. Click the toggle button next to Share link is created.
  3. Click Okay to confirm.

Remove a Collaborator

  1. To remove a collaborator from a folder, click on the ellipses.
  2. Go to More Actions and click Manage Collaborators.
  3. Locate the user in the list and click on their Permission (Ex: Co-Owner, Editor, Uploader…) and click Remove.
    • Note: Collaborators in single files will only show the Editor and Viewer access levels to remove.
  4. Click Okay to confirm.

Box Drive

Use Box Drive to access all your Box files directly from your desktop.

Setup Box Drive

See Installing and Updating Box Drive for instructions installing Box Drive for Windows and Mac.

Share from Box Drive

Share a File or Folder in Box Drive
  1. Open Box Drive.
  2. In file explorer, right-click on the file or folder you want to share.
  3. Click Share.
  4. Choose Copy Shared Link, Email Shared Link or Manage Collaborators.
  • If you click Copy Shared Link, it will be copied, you can paste it and share how you choose.
  • If you click Email Shared Link, it will open in Outlook with the shared link.
  • If you click Manage Collaborators, it will open a webpage for Box Online.  You can click on Share in the upper right-hand corner or remove a Collaborator by clicking on the user’s permission and selecting remove.  

Box Edit

Box Tools is the installer package for both Box Edit and Device Trust functionality.  NIC is not currently using the Device Trust functionality.  The Box Tools installer is used for the Box Edit functionality.  Box Edit is an add-on feature that allows you to open and edit files stored in Box. Designed for all file types, browsers, and platforms, Box Edit uses the default application installed on your computer to open and edit files: Docx files open in Microsoft Word, pptx files open in Microsoft PowerPoint, xlxs files open in Excel, and so forth.  See our Box Edit knowledge base article for steps to use Box Edit.

Box for Office

Box for Office includes Box functionality for key Office products such as Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Outlook-in a single app.  See our Box for Office knowledge base article for more information on using Box for Office. 

Additional Information

NIC IT Knowledge Base –

For additional questions, please contact the IT Help Desk at (208) 769-3280 or

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