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Logon to 25Live Pro
- Logon to MyNIC, type 25Live in the search bar and hit enter
- Click 25Live Pro
- Note: Chrome is the recommended browser for 25Live
Create an Event
To request a room, begin creating an event in one of the following ways:
- Click on the Event Form icon
- Click the Create an Event button on the Dashboard
Event Name
- Name your event in a way that will be understandable to others
- Do not include the name of the Scheduler or Requestor
- Limit 40 characters and avoid acronyms
Published Calendar Event Name
- Publish Calendar Event Name is not a required field
- Published field if used
- If acronyms are used in the above Event Name due to character limitations, use unabbreviated words in this field
- Limit to 120 characters
Event Type
- Select a type that best describes your event
Primary Organization
- Select the department or division responsible for requesting a room
- Select from your list of favorite organizations
- Begin typing directly in the text box
- Click on Browse...
- For external organizations select or type in External Organization
Additional Organizations
- For co-sponsored events, select an additional organization involved in this event bu using the EDIT window
Expected Head Count
- Enter the event’s expected head count
- The head count will be used to find locations that can hold your event
- This is important for events setup needs
Event Description
- Information entered the event description will appear in the 25Live Event Detail view and Calendar
- This is an ideal location to display the URL or any additional public information
Repeating Event
- If the event has only one occurrence, select No
- If it has more than one occurrence, select Yes
Note: If the event does repeat, but it has different start or end time, that occurrence will need to be entered as a separate event. If an event has catering/dining services, please build a separate event ticket for each month occurrences for proper monthly billing.
Date and Time
- Specify the start and end time
- This time is what will be used for marketing purposes
Additional Time
- Specify any additional time you may need pre or post event for additional setup and/or registration
- Time will be added to actual reservation time for Locations and Resources but will not be posted on calendar
Multi-Occurrence Event Only
- Note: Go to the link below for hints on the use for recurring events
- Below is a synopsis of the linked page
To Create a Repeating Event
- Start the event creation process.
- Use the Event Wizard link in the top navigation bar of 25Live and fill out the required fields that precede the event repeat section. See Creating Events for more detail.
- Choose the type of repeat or choose dates for ad hoc repeats.
- After choosing your event's Start Date and Time, use the Repeating Pattern button to open the Pattern Picker.
- Open the dropdown menu to choose the type of repeat for your event, Daily, Weekly, or Monthly.
- Complete repeat options, if using a pattern.
- Complete options that appear for your chosen repeat pattern type.
- Use the Select Pattern button to save.
- The Select Pattern button saves your pattern options and highlights them on the calendar. All the occurrence dates for your repeating event are available to view as a list using the View All Occurrences button below the calendar. You can use this list to remove any occurrence or add additional details.
- Finish the event creation process.
- To finish creating your repeating event, complete the remaining fields, then save the event. See Creating Events for more information.
Note: You can cancel a single occurrence without cancelling the entire event
Note: If the event does repeat, but it has different start or end time, that occurrence will need to be entered as a separate event. If an event has catering/dining services, please build a separate event ticket for each month occurrences for proper monthly billing.
Find and select Locations
- By default, your starred locations are shown
- If no location shows that fits your needs, click Reset
- In the search box, etner a location name
- Example: SBT*2 for Siebert rooms starting with 2
- More Options dropdown can help optimize your search
- Choose one or more Features
- Select one or more Categories such as location or type
- Select a Layout if needed
- Adjust capacity if needed
Note: Location results will not consider head count unless “Enforce Headcount” is selected Select “Hide Locations with Conflicts” to ensure that the Location is available for all occurrences.
Select the location that meets your needs. It will show as Added Below where the blue Request button was.
Selecting Locations- Layout
- Select View Occurances
- Specific layouts can be requested from the layout drop down menu. Note: Not all room layouts can be changed
- Room capacity will change depending on layout. The adjusted number is indicated next to layout [#]
- For custom layouts, set up instructions can be added
Resources can be defined as equipment or services that are not associated with a specific location
Schedulers can select:
- One or more resource per event
- Select resources for a specific event in an occurrence
Attach a File
Attach important files here. These files may be:
- Event Agenda
- Images
- Layout specs or maps
Custom Attributes
- This field is a place where additional information can be tracked
- For events that have billing, please provide a Budget Code to be billed here
Fill out Custom Attributes
Contact Roles
- Every event must have a Requestor or a Scheduler
- The person who created the event will automatically be listed as both
- Scheduler is the event’s creator
- Requestor will be the person requesting the space use and/or the event organizer
- Additional Contact is any other responsible person changed with the event that is not listed above
- Billing Contact is the budget manager
Fill out Contacts
Select the services that are needed. Example: For catering, select “Will there be food/beverages at your event?” add comments
Note: Requirements automatically send tasks to relevant service providers. For catering, the task will alert dining services, however, please contact dining services directly with the events specific catering needs.
Calendar Requirements
- If desired, your event can be posted on the college Events Calendar
Select a calendar if the event should be published
Additional Comments
- Event comments and Event Confirmation Notes are all fields where the Requestor or Schedulers can leave additional information
- The information is only viewable by the Scheduler, Requestor and Service Providers
- These notes do not publish to the Calendar
Type any additional notes
Terms and Conditions
This is a required field and is simply a check box that states you agree with North Idaho Colleges terms and conditions.
Select I agree and click Save