Request New Computer (ERS Addition)

Equipment Replacement Schedule (ERS)

NIC strives to gain optimal use of equipment obtained to support its educational mission.  Replacing computing equipment when needed in an efficient and cost effective manner serves the college’s educational and administrative activities. New requests to the Equipment Replacement Schedule (ERS) are required to have PC level approval.

Replacement Cycle

  • The replacement cycle the President’s Cabinet agreed upon is 4 years.

Adding Computers

  • You can add computers to the ERS by filling out ERS Add Forms.
  • Your department pays for the initial purchase and then the computer is scheduled to be replaced using the ERS budget when it is out of warranty.

Removing Computers

  • Equipment being replaced will be disposed of in the most cost effective manner consistent with environmental and public property laws. 
  • Retired computers cannot be repurposed.


Request Hardware

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