Search60 Results

Services or Offerings?
Vault, Colleague, Shared Email Account, DataMart, CourseContent, Canvas, Cisco VPN

This is the place to report broken links only. For all other requests fill out the Website Update Request Form. Please answer the questions below and add any screenshots that may help us identify the issue.

Request access to the Colleague User Interface

Hardware models that are purchased by NIC.

Request this service if you suspect a data breach or lost information

North Idaho College IT Help Desk, SBT-101

Report a lost or stolen device

Please use this request if you suspect that your computer has been infected.

Use this service to request changes to existing reports.

Submit announcement requests for the new MyNIC One Campus Portal

Select this service for North Idaho College wireless network access instructions.

Change a known password here. Contact the Help Desk at 208-769-3280 if you forgot your password.

Request help to remediate a PDF to be accessible for screen reader software.

Rules of computer use, electronic mail policy, wireless acceptable use policy