NIC Policy 3.08.02 Email Guidelines

Policy 3.08.01 Electronic Mail (Email)

Procedure 3.08.02 Electronic Mail (Email)

Guidelines for Policy and Procedure 3.08.02 Email:

General guidelines

  • Keep messages simple and direct.
  • When possible, send email messages only to the specific group of students for whom the message is pertinent.
  • When a message is to be sent to many recipients, use an email program that will not list all the recipients in the message; alternatively, include all recipients' addresses as "Bcc:" instead of "To:"
  • When a message is to be sent to a very large group of recipients (500+), users should use alternative communication methods other than their client email account.
  • When possible, attachments sent to a large group of people should be avoided.
  • A "From:" or "Reply-to:" name and email address of the sender is required.
  • Encourage students to check their email accounts regularly or to forward their account to an address that they will check regularly.
  • Ensure that any non-directory information or personally identifiable information is not sent in email.

Examples of appropriate uses

  • Communicating campus events, commencement and convocation information
  • Notification concerning students' change of course schedules (drop/adds), general petitions, withdrawals, and residency
  • Notification of cancellation of registration
  • Student finanical aid processing issues and deadlines
  • Academic departmental information such as class changes, registration issues, new courses, job-opening lists, and events
  • Math and English placement information
  • New student information about academic support services and academic policies
  • Advising appointments
  • Notices about student internships and workshops
  • Payment deadlines and other Bursar information
  • General Education Program information
  • Notices concerning student course information (cancellation, assignments, etc.)
  • Approved NIC Surveys
  • Messages of a business nature to NIC

Examples of inappropriate uses

  • Information unrelated to NIC business or academic purposes
  • Solicitation for personal gain or non-college related business
  • Promoting political viewpoints
  • Personal information
  • Non-approved survey's
  • Messages containing confidential information
  • Messages that solicit a user response to personal information (Phishing, spearphising, etc.)
  • SPAM messaging
  • Messages containing harassing or intimidating content.

Noncompliance. Noncompliance with this policy may result, depending upon the nature of the non-compliance, in the user’s account or access to NIC technology resources being temporarily suspended, or disabled, or permanently terminated. In the case of temporary suspension, NIC may require implementation of certain remedial measures or satisfaction of certain educational courses prior to reinstatement of the user’s account or access. Additionally, the user may be referred for institutional sanctions following the appropriate NIC policy and procedure and may be subject to civil and criminal penalties (See procedure 3.08.02 Acceptable Use).

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