NIC Guidelines pertaining to policy 3.08.01 Acceptable Use. These guidelines further define examples of acceptable and unacceptable use.
Guideline for Policy and Procedure 3.08.02 Electronic Mail (Email). These guidelines further define how email may be used at North Idaho College.
These guidelines are provided to support Policy 3.08.03 Data Stewardship, Security and Protection. These guidelines further define roles and responsibilities, classification of data, and security controls.
The following guidelines are intended to support the North Idaho College Policy 3.08.04 Computer Security Incident Response. This guideline outlines incident response workflow procedures and further define roles and responsibilities during incident response.
This guidelines supports North Idaho College Policy 3.08.05 User Authentication. This guideline outlines best practices in password creation.
This guideline provides a general overview of the process used to ensure that Media is sanitized on electronic storage devices when that media is transferred to another department or disposed of.
This guideline provides direction to users and information technology when considering implementation of a cloud service.
This guideline outlines the requirements and responsibilities of developing a security awareness training program.