Zoom Mobile

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What is Zoom?

Zoom is a high definition video conferencing and desktop sharing software that can be used for meetings, screen sharing, and group messaging on Windows, Mac, iOS, and Android.

Zoom Mobile Download

1.    Go to: https://zoom.us/download
2.    Scroll down the page to Zoom Mobile Apps. Enter your mobile number and click Text Me the Link.
3.    You will receive a confirmation once the text is sent.
4.    On your mobile device open the text message sent to you and tap on the link to open Zoom in the App Store or Google Play.  Install the App.

Note Regarding Zoom Mobile for Android: If you install the app and click on Launch the Zoom App but it does not launch, reboot your phone.  This may occur every time you sign out of the Zoom App on Android.

Sign in to Zoom Mobile

Sign in with iOS

1.    Open the Zoom App and choose Sign In
2.    Choose to sign in with SSO
3.    Enter ‘nic’ in the domain field
4.    Login with your MyNIC credentials.

Sign in with Android

1.    Open the Zoom App and choose Sign In
2.    Choose to sign in with SSO
3.    Enter ‘nic’ in the domain field
4.    Login with your MyNIC credentials

Join a Zoom Meeting from Mobile

Join with iOS

There are two ways to join a Zoom meeting from your mobile device.

1.    Zoom Email

•    Tap the link in your email you received.  
•    When prompted, choose to open the Zoom App.

2.    Zoom App

•    Choose the Join icon from within the Zoom app.
•    Enter your meeting ID and choose Join.  Note:  choose if you want to turn off video and/or audio before joining the meeting.

3.    If prompted, tap OK allow access to your microphone for audio.
4.    Decide how you want to join audio by using the internet or dialing in from any phone.
5.    Tap your mobile device screen once to bring up the menu.  You can mute, start video, share content, or view meeting participants.
6.    If you start video, you may be prompted to allow access to your camera, tap OK.
7.    If you or your meeting host share content, you will see the content on your main screen and the video (if on) will appear in the bottom right corner.  Note: turn phone to landscape for better viewing.
8.    To leave a meeting, tap End (top right) then tap Leave Meeting. Note: End Meeting will only show if you are the host.

Join with Android

There are two ways to join a Zoom meeting from your mobile device.

1.    Zoom Email

•    Tap the link in your email you received.
•    If you do not have the Zoom App installed, you will be prompted to download Zoom.  Select Download from Google Play.
•    Click Install for the Zoom Cloud Meetings App.
•    After Zoom is installed, go back to your email and click on the link.  When prompted, choose to open the Zoom App.  Note: If you connected via a Zoom email, skip to step #3 for settings.

2.    Zoom App

•    Choose the Join a Meeting from within the Zoom app.
•    Enter your meeting ID and Personal Link Name and choose Join Meeting.  Note:  choose if you want to turn off video and/or audio before joining the meeting.

3.    If prompted, tap Got it for you Android device to request permission to access your microphone for audio and camera for video.
4.    If prompted, tap Allow for access to your microphone for audio.
5.    If prompted, tap Allow for access to your camera for video.
6.    Tap your mobile device screen once to bring up the menu.  You can mute, start video, share content, or view meeting participants.
7.    If you or your meeting host share content, you will see the content on your main screen and the video (if on) will appear in the bottom right corner.  Note: turn phone to landscape for better viewing.
8.    To leave a meeting, tap Leave or End.  Note: End Meeting will only show if you are the host.

Schedule a Zoom Meeting with Mobile 

Schedule Zoom with iOS

1.    Open the Zoom App and tap on the Schedule icon.
2.    Choose the meeting start, duration, and meeting options.
3.    Tap Done (top right) when you have everything set.
4.    The meeting will open in your calendar app. Verify everything is correct and tab Add (top right).

Schedule Zoom with Android

1.    Open the Zoom App and tap on the Schedule icon.
2.    Choose the meeting start, duration, and meeting options.
3.    Tap Schedule (top right) when you have everything set.
4.    Allow Zoom to access your calendar.  
5.    Select which e-mail app you would like to schedule this with
6.    The meeting will open in your email app.  Add your attendees in the To field. Verify everything is correct and click the Send icon (top right).

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