Configure Adobe Acrobat DC for Authoring Accessibility Changes

This short article is designed to give you tips for optimizing the Adobe Acrobat DC workspace for making accessibility changes.  Download and open the example PDF (shortened URL:, which contains all the elements we need in order to properly configure Adobe Acrobat DC. Next, follow each of the steps below:

  • Enable Tools: Click on the Tools tab > locate Accessibility > click the Add button.
  • Show Panes: Go to View > Show/Hide > Navigation Panes > and check Content, Order, and Tags.
  • Table Editor Options: Right-click on the content within the table > click on Table Editor Options > and make sure all the checkboxes are checked:
    Screenshot of Adobe Acrobat DC Table Editor Options

  • Check Reading Order: Click on Accessibility from the tools panel in the right side of Acrobat DC > click Reading Order from the list of Accessibility Tools > make sure the following options are checked/selected:
    Screenshot of the Reading Order Options with "Show page content groups" checked, "Page content order" selected, "Show table cells" checked, and "show tables and figures" selected.
    Hit the Close button when you are finished.

After following these steps, the Navigation Panes (on the left) and Tools (on the right) should look something like this:

Screenshot of Adobe Acrobat DC with Content, Order and Tags Navigation Panes and the Accessibility Tool button displayed

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